European Union
European Union


Hospital Organisation of Pedagogues in Europe


HOPE started at the first European Congress for Hospital Teachers held in Slovenia. The objective of this association is to establish the right of hospitalized children to receive an education appropriate to their individual needs in an adapted environment. To secure this education to young convalescent patients at home.


HOPE (Hospital Organization of Pedagogues in Europe) is an international organization with scientific and pedagogical objectives. This Association is ruled by the Belgian Law of October 25, 1919, and modified by the Law of December 6, 1954.

In 1988, Dr. Kornhauser organized the first congress of European hospital pedagogues, held in Ljubljana (Slovenia), under the auspices of UNESCO and WHO. After this demonstration, the teachers strengthened their ties thanks to an Informative Bulletin and began the first pedagogical exchanges.

In 1992, the second congress took place in Vienna. A few months later, in Paris, a board is appointed. It meets regularly in Brussels, Amsterdam, Birmingham and Lorrach to draft the bylaws and regulations of internal order.

In July 1994, the statutes were published in Brussels.

In 1995, the association prepares future projects in Copenhagen and opens its external barriers.

In May 1996, during the third congress held in Uppsala (Sweden), the first General Assembly approves the Statutes of the Association and organizes the first exchanges under the theme: "What is taught at the hospital?"

In October 1998, the "European Days" organized in Paris,allow the members of the Association to exchange their working methods, report on the activities carried out after 1996 and comment on the first results of hospital schools in Europe.

May 2000: The IV Congress, held in Barcelona under the motto: "Let’s work for the rights of sick children", is the occasion to adopt a European Charter for the Right to Education of Children and Adolescents in the Hospital and in the Private Address.

SOURCE: Polaino-Lorente, A., & Lizasoain, O. (1992). La pedagogía hospitalaria en Europa:
la historia reciente de un movimiento pedagógico innovador. Psicothema, 4(1), 49-67.